If you live your life with a burning desire to be fulfilled, you’ve also probably noticed (or maybe not) that your life is in a constant state of transition.
What I’ve noticed as I talk to my friends and catch up with ones I’ve missed, we are all in search of doing something fulfilling with our lives and because of it there is always a small hint (sometimes bigger) of chaos at any given point in our lives. I’ve also notice our abilities to channel the changes life throws at us and adjust with an attitude of perseverance and optimism has given us better outlook and led to some great victories.
What I’m getting at is, there is no need to constantly fight the natural order of things. If you are trying to accomplish anything you will face adversity. Change is uncomfortable, yes, but! it has so many great things that stem from it.
1. We learn a ton about ourselves.. what we’re capable of.. how we react to stress,. what we really want
2. We are better able to gauge our recovery time when shaken by the natural disaster that is life’s surprises
3. We develop a stronger mentality because we force ourselves to go past our “wit’s end”
4. That new found realization sparks a sense of achievement and new found confidence/motivation
… I could continue but It’s really a snowball effect of positivity and betterment, IF, we change how we view it in the first place and use it as fuel towards success.
When in transition and faced with the stresses of life I think the true, raw character of your being is exposed and sometimes you and your close ones don’t like it. Have you noticed your patience when you’re stressed about life’s curve balls? Have you noticed your ability to socialize? Have you noticed how you care for yourself? How you treat your cat? If you take a look next time, you may notice these things even more and it’s not always pretty..
It’s a shot to the core of who you are when forced to change and being so caught up in the stress of life you forget to be flexible.
I think you should want to be able to be appreciative and grateful and happy even when things seem stressful, WHY?! because it’s out of your control or else you wouldn’t be stressed and worrying! Neither is going to help you assess your options and make decisions.. This is how you were as a child if you remember…
Making friends was a breeze (You’re six? me too! let’s be best friends! Done.) Breaking up with friends was even easier (I don’t want to play with you anymore! decision made!) I’m sure your stress time was about 2 min and then you played with your toys and got over it. Life continued and you chose happiness.
::Reality Check::
It’s still that easy if you think about it. I mean if you have loss vs gain but you prioritize or at least realize which risks aren’t as bad, you win! You make a decision you go forth and you deal with whatever comes next keeping your stress time as low as possible and moving on with your life and the things you can control. I don’t want to oversimplify it to the point that it sounds ridiculous, but I think when you are looking to do something great you have to be flexible… and also
1, You will be faced with a seemingly great challenge/confrontation
2. Your attitude’s flexibility will help you stand strong and move forward when faced with gut wrenching decisions
and reminder.. Being confident in your purpose or goal is not a crime!
I have learned to live in the comfort of transition. I feel like I’m never in the same place and I adore it. It means I’m growing, I’m learning, I’m developing, I’m moving forward, I’m living, I’m headed towards my goal!
When I adjusted my attitude about it, I stopped being sad or pitying myself when I felt like I didn’t have it all together. I was able to be a solid decision maker and I was more open to new options because I wasn’t so focused on how things had to go. My plan is on achieving something is not the only way to accomplish it and I’ve learned to get creative about the multiple avenues in which I can reach my goal and retain my moral fibers!
As I think about it, it seems that there may be a mini formula when in transition….attitude+perseverance = obtainment
Embrace the transition. You will find your way to your goal. You will get there a better person than before you started. Think about it this way..
You can’t go back so keep moving forward.
Have you noticed how you react to life? Have you incorporated ways to make sure you keep your positivity even when stressed?
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