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~December is for Going Within~


Updated: Dec 14, 2023

This month is a beautiful time to connect with your intuition, drop into your gifts, and prioritize allowing yourself to be replenished.

I was looking at the trees the other day and feeling a resonance with them. They completely abash the stigma of winter being depressing. I get it, the lack of sunlight and the cold, but the trees are alive and well! They go into a state of refueling themselves and setting themselves up for their season. Beneath the surface their roots are still being nourished. Trees send their vital nutrients, well, within, and store all of that energy in their roots until it's time.

I was inspired by them. To do the same. To continue prioritizing myself and fueling myself. Instead of perpetuating summer energy year round, we can use this season to our benefit. To feel the life within. To (continue to) nourish ourselves from the inside out. Our outer world will respond.

It's spring-like in here!

To help with this, I've created a mediation calendar for the next 20 days that you can download for free and join in, until Christmas Morning! (12/25)

There are tutorials, examples, and playlists accessible in the downloadable version of the calendar. So even if you don't stick with the calendar you have access to these tools for whenever you need them =)

I hope you join in and give it a try. 1 min is all you need to feel your own sunshine and to connect to the heaven within.

There are so many ways to connect, cleanse, and raise your vibration.

Stay tuned to the socials for more tips throughout the month.

Instagram @icu_academy

TikTok @c._cee

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