Across all planes, this has been a mighty season for choosing ourselves. By proxy, this fine choice leads to choosing others and being magnetized toward people and things that are meant for us.
These past few weeks felt a little like being in cruise control and refueling happened in ways that felt most aligned with our divine courses. We released toxins (windows down) and through the great habits we've cultivated to nourish ourselves, we were immediately refueled and replenished. Never lacking. I hope you've felt it!
If you stood up for yourself in anyway recently, you've made a bold and essential choice that acted as a machete and cleared out old cycles and patterns from your life. The closed cycles have exposed the life we've been expecting. We've created habits that are in full support of the life we've prayed for. That life is here!
What choosing yourself might have looked like:
Spiritually- Trusting your guidance deeply and knowing what God is so clearly whispering, expanding in your gifts
Physically- Engaging with your body like you would a child, being firm when necessary, but never cruel, wanting to give it your best
Emotionally- Regarding your waves of emotions to be as awesome as the ocean, deepening the understanding of your phases and being totally charmed by it
Energetically- Celebrating yourself whenever you noticed the ease of staying in your highest vibration even during challenging times, pausing to acknowledge your strength and ability to hold ever-expanding frequencies
If you've chosen yourself at all this season, you should be proud!
Like they say..."sometimes the opportunity is the answered prayer."
The energetic choices from my season are standing out to me right now. I mean, that's what supported my alignment. Like, by following my rhythms and being in-sync with God and my highest good, I was able to feel my own sturdiness. My energetic alignment was kind of like the flexible spine to my spiritual and emotional alignment, and I was able to be awed by stability itself. I've accessed a new sense of stability that allows my energy to run free in all kinds of ways and I have the joy of playing with it in just as many ways.
Energetically being in sync, choosing myself, and feeling this stable, kind of feels like-
playing in a flowery field with a wild horse.
Not just any wild horse, the one that is connected to you, the one that responds to you, that is meant for you.
Though totally wild, it stays.
And yet, it could go just as freely.
Where communication is totally understood.
You run, jump, chase, and spin in-sync with one another, mystically.
Mirroring each other through movement.
Clearly able to feel & hear the laughter & joy.
It's super natural.
Do you feel it/did you feel it?!
I'm extraordinarily excited about this next chapter.
All this to say, welcome to this
new cycle!
I hope you embrace how far you've come and lean into the safety that choosing yourself and making it this far provides. There's no going back :)
This is such a good part in your story, an endless one that is filled with mystic moments, overflowing with kindness and love, and easier than ever!
Back to ONE.
Home :)
Love you all!