Free ones, it's getting expansive out here. I am so proud of all of us for being such great navigators on this journey. It's amazing to see how far we've all come.
The way hearts are opening at this time is so next level it's hard to describe. If you've been feeling this you know what I mean. God is doing something, the energy is shifting, and we are being prepared. It's not dangerous, but it may feel intense at times.
During this expanse that I've been feeling, there is an opening of our Crown Chakras & deepening of our connection to our Spirit. Access to information is deepening which leads to this huge but loving responsibility to ground it all. It's like digestion. Which may mean you have a more intentional approach to your body at this time. And at the same time while so much is happening, there may be little physical movement. Like a preparation and even more than that.
This deepening also feels like how math expands. Math at every level builds on the pre-existing math. This kind of feels like imaginary numbers territory which will lead to new theories and revelations. (Have you heard about the new aperiodic monotile that they discovered this year!?) ...I repeat. Expansive!
When you're heart energy is engaging with and navigating higher vibrational energies consistently, you embody your heart as your superpower & your shield, and you move differently. You give yourself access to new tools and you allow your authenticity to shine in new ways.
So proud of you!
Performance has been pulled, a need to prove ourselves: pulled. Whats's left is pure divine being in all it's worthiness and duality existing in truth of being enough in every way. With or without 3D production/productivity. Obviously doing what's yours to do is still on the table, but you have an even deeper understanding (Crown) that if you came here and sat in a field your whole life, your energy would be impacting the planet & you are still worthy.
It's 9th dimension energy. An embodiment of the I Am understanding. It's huge and light... of course. You'd think recognizing You Are would have some grand weight, but it's actually immense freedom and more Unconditional Love energy pouring in. It's a wavelength you ride to the next level. Which is where I feel like I am now. (ha!-so cheeky)
The sacred space of being undefinable is filled with Presence and security. True enmeshment with God and the moment. Things become clear as you habitually exist in a state of being filled by your innate heavenly worth.
I truly felt what it was like to be a heart open child who had no desire to prove herself this past month. I also felt what that sort of the purity allows; more insight for one. I am a conduit for the truth and so are you.
We are free and clear!
I'm grateful to share life with you all. Thanks for taking time to share in this exchange with me.
... To sacred exchanges!
Cheers =)
Energy Cleanser:
Breathwork: Kumbhaka Pranayama:
Inhale for 5..4..3..2..1..
Hold at the top for 3..2..1
Exhale for 5
Hold at the bottom for 3