Security.. There are many ways to find security, but if you don’t find it within yourself it is not really as stable you think…
Do you find yourself searching for security in a variety of places? I know I do/did/am trying to not to. Well if we think about what security is giving us…
some “stable” feeling
some feeling of comfort
some feeling of accomplishment
some feeling of “Ahh, I am riding the current and I can now take it easy because things are all in order”
As always you may not agree, but thinking about it, I’ve noticed that security is a mirage. It’s a lie that is created in our minds and the standard we grew up with. I mean if we think about it (let’s say something unexpected happens) What do we end up saying…either “I just got everything together and now look!” or “Ugh! I can just never get ahead.”
In reality the hunger and our inability to stay in one place is what we drives us. We want to succeed! <–requires kinetic energy
We want to accomplish some milestone!<–requires kinetic energy
We want to reach some checkpoint we’ve created on our scale of achievement to feel a sense of accomplishment <–requires kinetic energy
Why?! … because….
we will always want more! In order to accomplish said goal, you have to make steps towards it. Then you accomplish said goal, life is not over! You have immediately introduced a new goal or mountain you’d like to climb and if you are an exponential success curve then you should be aiming for something a little more challenging to reach. If it’s more challenging it requires more effort, maybe more risk, and definitely more commitment. So you will never be still. EVER! Not if you’re trying to move towards something. The key word is movement.
Let’s think about the security (or lack there of) in it!
You never reach a point of true stability, not because you can’t, but because if you require more out of yourself or desire more from you situation it is almost impossible to consider yourself in the clear! (Retirement doesn’t count)
Let’s say you are feeling super secure because now you’re the best in your company. (wags finger..uh uh uh) You are in a position of effort because 1. Someone is always after your position! 2. If you want to be considered the best you have to keep up whatever effort got you to that point and then some, because you don’t want other people to be as good as you, making you less of a commodity.
Security is an endless game of carrot on a stick, I just don’t think it’s worth thinking of life in terms of feeling secure.
“If I only had more __insert various needs__ I’d be set!”… LIES!
(you can be comfortable but never really secure, because to maintain whatever level of success you’re in, you have to continue putting in equal or more effort!) <–how draining
But you can think of life in different ways.
First ,would be to look at life as a constant flow of energy/effort/give & take.
You will get out of life what you put into it. (insert positive energy and enough effort to maintain a healthy mental/physical/spiritual state)
Then, you have to think about the cost of life.. (give & take)
working a ton vs. time w/ friends and family (factor in life expenses-can be tricky but think of your lifestyle…necessary much?)
cost of living vs quality of living (2 different things)
relying on someone for your happiness vs. sharing individual happiness ….etc..
Finally, find a sense of satisfaction with yourself.. limitations and strengths
You may not have 100 mil in the bank, but you’ve got tons of support
You are working towards something and that’s an accomplishment in itself
The standard that others are held to means nothing because you’re on your own path
Wow, Look at how far you’ve come since last year alone!
Everything going on with you is okay and wonderful and crazy and challenging but its a testament to you’re character! Go YOU!
I think just being in tune with what you really want out of life will help you realize that you should rid yourself of this idea of hitting some point of infinite stability. Rather, begin to exercise a thirst for the challenges and victories that you face at any given moment. Realizing that the only true security you have is you’re attitude towards any given situation. A mindset of flexibility and balance and drive will give you the tools to create a life that your are pleased with, without falling victim to the need to over-consume in any capacity i.e. people, things, jobs, laziness.. yup. All it takes is a realized truth that change is the only thing that will be consistent, so the only way to adapt to change is making sure you’re mind is ready to tackle with confidence, the things that lay ahead.
Idk about you, but it’s a hard thing to realize that you have to embrace change to truly feel secure and be confident and comfortable in the fact that life will always change. Phew.! Well, day by day is the best way =)
Do you realize where your false securities lie?