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Sometimes people wander through life and never really challenge themselves to think deeper. About themselves, their life, or otherwise. I would ask my friends questions all the time and most  of them, gladly, had answers. But there are some people that aren’t introduced to the idea of reflection, in terms of how their life is going. 

I just want to share some of my thoughts about what reflection is and ask some questions to help with self awareness. This is because self awareness is the only reason I’ve grown so much, I have been doing this my whole life, for the most part, and am now tackling deeply rooted issues with myself and able to help others. 

Hey, maybe what I’m saying you don’t like or think is helpful, but I just want to make sure, like myself and my friends, we are challenging ourselves to be the best people we can be and really get in line with our dreams! 

SO, reflection to me is just thinking about your life and asking yourself questions to learn more about what you value and if your life’s lining up with who you really desire to be, or feel you are.

It’s kind of like proofreading a paper, to make sure it’s clearly addressing the topic.  OR It’s like taking  a midterm to see how much you’ve absorbed and whether it’s the right information. In this case the “right information” is based on your personal goals. 

It’s easy to reflect often once you’ve introduced yourself to the idea of monitoring yourself. Personally I don’t think you can monitor too much, because it will only produce action in what you feel is the right direction for your life. 

I’ll give you an example or two of questions that I used to ask my friends to give us some topics of discussion. The question in our group now is “What are you working on?”, but before we were here we started with specific questions to target some idea that we were each struggling with and we’d hash it out in our girl talk sesh. =)


basically, I used to get easily upset, but only at very specific things and I couldn’t put my finger on it, but every time  [mystery situation] happened I would get upset and frustrated with whoever was the reason for my frustration. (That looks like it might be confusing) but the idea is : People get easily frustrated by traits or actions that they, themselves, perform. 

So, when I was getting frustrated it was because people were trying to be elite, about certain things (knowing things first..) But I would pride myself on showing people new things too, so I was faced with my mirrored aggression! Bam! and I started to deal with it right away and now its not a problem =)


This is one that changes every so often, but still a question I’ve asked and continue to ask myself and my friends. If you keep asking yourself this question as you grow, you’ll notice a common theme and continue to get closer and closer to the root of a deep issue you may have. I know I continue to notice things about myself everyday. It’s a nice way to see what things make you uncomfortable so you can be more confident and more proud of yourself and who you are becoming.  

It’s an awesome feeling to make realizations about yourself because you can take more control of your life and your actions!

Also, you can read others better and every relationship you have will be stronger more understanding and more fulfilling because you start to make relationships that matter and that speak to who you are and who you are becoming. I want to be the best me I can be and so I want to inspire myself, challenge myself, love myself, and live the best life I can.

When I do all these things I know I’ll make the most positive impact on others with little to know effort! OH p.s.!! Journal it.. not school girl type (unless you want to..yolo) but just write it down, it helps see the issues and walk through the changes!

I’m so excited about who I am becoming ❤

Do you have any questions you like to reflect on? 

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