There is obviously a lot going on in our world right now, and I wanted to come back and continue to share wellness and healing with everyone. To anyone who happens to cross paths with this, I pray you are moved and stirred into transformation and a deeper awareness with yourself and your power within.
There is a regeneration happening.
Does anyone remember back to the beginnings of quarantine and the pandemic, life 2.0.. where we were witness to the breath of the earth?
As toxic human behavior was halted, nature began to restore itself. We saw images of animals in places we don’t typically see them, we saw skies clearing up from smog. We gave the earth a moment to regenerate.
This is a mirror.
This was not just for earth, imo. This was a sign to regenerate ourselves and the collective. A sign to inspire humanity to look in nature’s mirror and see what we’ve been missing.
Any ideas? What have you been missing? And not just missing, but what were you blind/blinded to?
…Quality time alone with ourselves, time to authentically connect with others and share in the happenings of life, relating to one another…
…to whatever that means to you, whatever comes up. For me, it’s God, but listen to what or who your inner self shares with you.
(Please don’t get me wrong, this isn’t to dismiss the awful losses we’ve all suffered as a result of this virus, but if we lean into these moments we can see what we’ve lost is a part of the solution)
Individuality has caused a duality in the spectrum of human existence. We’ve separated from the tribe and therefore separated from ourselves.
There is more to life than the jobs we pursued and the things we wanted to gain, we see that now.
There is perspective to glean from all of this if we tune in and breathe.
The breath is a great anchor and awareness tool for looking inside and understanding how we are relating to what’s happening around us. Faster breath typically is associated with faster thoughts, from a stress perspective.
The breath is also restorative and regenerative.
(of a living organism) regrow (new tissue) to replace lost or injured tissue. (Google)
to change radically and for the better (Merriam Webster)
reformed or reborn, especially in a spiritual or moral sense. (Google)
formed or created again (Merriam Webster)
Does anyone feel this?
Idk about you, but I’ve definitely been reformed during this time. And I must say I feel like a better version of myself, in fact I know I am, though there is still more to do. The work is never done, but it gets easier and it gets better =)
This isn’t about being held back or hurt. This is about creating something new, becoming new, about turning away from the old thing and being our new best self.
We have wasted away long enough; we have ignored our desires and dreams long enough.
It’s time to let the old thing go and allow the new thing, to do a new thing in us.
Isn’t it interesting that now, we all have the same scar?
That’s tribe baby. That’s community. That’s part of the connection we’ve been missing.
Leaning into this shared trauma to find people who are also willing to authentically engage in what’s happening, is apart of the medicine to healing the toxic perspective(s) we are leaving behind.
Congrats on noticing. Congrats on tuning into yourself. Congrats on taking time for yourself and your dreams. Congrats on taking this massive situation and turning it into something that releases you from old habits/ allowing it to at least shed light on things that aren’t working.
Keep going.
You’re closer than you think.
Your healing and beautiful growth awaits.
❤ Uri