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Regency, in my own words, is when someone stands in to fulfill the duties of a royal.

Wikipedia says, "Regent is sometimes a formal title granted to a monarch's most trusted advisor or personal assistant."

Oxford says, "a person appointed to administer a country because the monarch is a minor or is absent or incapacitated."

We often have to stand in on our own behalf. At times, we stand in on behalf of ourselves as parents because our inner children need us or maybe on behalf of ourselves as our best friend/cheerleader because we need the encouragement to believe in ourselves and our dreams.

We've been given authority to stand in. Time and time again we show up as the official witness to who and where we are, and where we are going. We sometimes stand in as our own relief. Sometimes we have to help ourselves see into the timeline, safety, and security, that is not yet fully active. It's practicing for an interview and you ask yourself the questions. You embody the person you're becoming in order to coach yourself into that space.

We're in our regency era, where we step in and step up for ourselves is this brand new & fully compassionate way.

It starts as a two part view for me, though I'm sure there are more than two:

One: regency as the individual. Where we step in as our highest self on behalf of our now self

Two: regency as the spirit. Where God steps in on our behalf.

It's Regency in two forms and when balanced, it's beautiful to see how we can authorize life in such a delicate, gentle and conscious way. As the Author and as the Participant (and vise versa).

I don't know about you, but it's a pleasure to step aside sometimes and let God shine, be it for me or through me. And other times it's really sweet to stand up for myself or my inner child and give her permission to be herself. (She's so sweet).

At times it looks like delegating. On a spiritual level we're delegated this mission on the planet and gifted with the tools to make our dreams happen. We let God shine light on our way and The Way for us. On a personal level we can split ourselves into our now self and our future self, delegating tasks and prioritizing in order to let our future in.

I think we're at a beautiful point in our regency era when we allow people to step in and take the reigns for awhile. On our authority we delegate. The tasks of a now moment are split up and we know where to place our energy. Our future self, God, and our guides are all in on bringing our highest good to pass. We let Them show us, teach us, and lead us. We then show, teach, and lead. We operate from a place of regency, authority, and ownership.


Just connecting some dots from recent weeks and bringing new language to some concepts we've already heard before. Rehashing, stirring up, and recalculating some of the way life's math is mathing and the ways in which we can add to the experience, consciously.

Thank you for reading these thoughts and engaging energetically with me and this post by taking these thoughts and making them your own. I so appreciate this quality time <3

Enjoy the rest of your month and we'll chat soon =)

w/ Love,


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Tracey Cooke
Tracey Cooke
Apr 29, 2023


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