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A True-Self Activation

If you've been feeling like your sense of self is being activated in a new way, join the club! There is this beautiful energy around feeling supported from within that is passionately being presented as a more authentic sense of self-expression, confidence, and our voices are being amplified, strengthened, and released.

Thank you for taking some time to read this monthly newsletter and connect with me. I love sharing ideas surrounding growth and love. This is a perfect time to reflect, on all of this after we've confidently stepped into a new year as a collective and so many holidays encompassing love have swung by.

My sense of Mind, Spirit and Body over this past month/few weeks:


Mentally there has been some major shifts surrounding the uprooting of fundamental conditioning and true unlearning, while at the same time offering us real opportunities to plant seeds that actually support the people we are desiring to become. It's giving spring vibes.

This refreshing mindset has been emerging for many of us and it's unlocked an opening to new pathways and clarity around views we've once shared, held dear, or otherwise.

This feels like the typical cycling and growing, but on a much deeper level.

The expansiveness is coming into areas that we may have otherwise thought were fully unlocked. And through some deep emotional insight we're uncovering a sacred space within the expansion that is even more supportive, loving, and freeing.

This is allowing us to be more authentic. I applaud you on your openness to new concepts; myself too! We're doing great. And thinking on this a little deeper the energy feels like an upheaval and an upgrade at the same time. Let me know if you're feeling it as a turbulent process or a peaceful one. I think it may exist as both at different times.

And if you haven't noticed, I encourage you to add the intention of attention to your next few days. Give yourself those little check in moments and notice these mindset shifts and how they might feel in your psyche. Mentally, the shifts may feel like tiny headaches in the front of your head or maybe even towards the crown. I'm not a medical professional, but energetically consider these as upgrades--as in your mind is literally expanding--if your situation allows.

  • What mental blocks have suddenly cleared, leading way to new/fresh perspectives of old ideas?

The shifts feel like the end of a looping cycle and the start of something new, although there are still aspects of an old cycle playing out at times. Like our roots are being cleared. Y'know? Either way, it's a congratulatory moment in time because there's an opportunity of allowing that leads to being transported into a new way of living life, that all started with simply renewing the mind. These new ways can't come without a shift in the old. The book Atomic Habits is coming to mind. By allowing the expansion of our mindset we are shifting ourselves into being ready for new information to make it's way to us. New inspiration that wants to, and is, taking us to our next level. All it took-- and always takes-- is getting out of our own way and truly allowing our minds to expand and accept.

Of course, we still get to choose if we use it and we get to feel the effects of following our inspiration or not. But, one of the juiciest parts of all of this is how it leads to more confidence, trust, and security. And what a relief to finally take responsibility for the ways we hold ourselves back and find it easier and easier to surrender to our Guidance!

*Spiritual applause*


Which leads me to Spirit. Spiritually, I've been noticing how effortless things have become the closer and closer I am to my higher Self and God. I mean it's instantaneous. Essentially the creative alignment is instantaneous, as it begins in our minds. The shift into a frequency of feeling love, hope, ease, and peace, first happen in the mind and in your Spirit, then all that's left is priming your physical world to receive. How easy.

The spiritual realm's veil has become razor thin, floss thin and sometimes is feeling non-existent altogether. Really letting God shower me with the amazing gifts that help me reach what's best on this journey has become an increasingly joyful experience. Most of this stems from a deep surrender. Not every gift feels like one, but the ability to reprogram myself into receiving God's love in all forms is liberating.

Again, this is happening on such a deep soul level.

Truly breaking down the walls of defiance and allowing experiences to be there for me as an instrument, is something I was willing to accept, but fought through sometimes. And now, there has been a deep spiritual shift in understanding that hasn't waned.

I hope you're feeling bits of this too! It's like a sense of being able to live in the spiritual nature of vision and simultaneously be aware of the blocks within you ...or be in a place to move certain blocks that are present in real time so the real time vision can come in. It's this spiritual clearing that feels like becoming a more open channel. It's giving energetic spring cleaning.

There was a really beautiful instance recently where I completely surrendered through a prayer of what I wanted to see and how I wanted this experience to be presented to me. I was open to the unfolding of the experience (that's a key), but the initial presentation had to be specific so I would be able to receive the gift in it's true intention. That intention being one of serving my highest good so that I can get to a place of being in greater alignment. Ultimately, all of this is guiding me towards less ego, less resistance and more of the things that are bringing my life into fulfillment. It was miraculous, as always! I got the exact presentation I asked for, and because of that, every instance afterward was so clearly for me.

God is always pursuing us, our highest good is always pursuing us, Love is always pursuing us!

Anyway, even though there were triggers from the experience, I was newly available to how deeply illuminating it was. I saw where I had been coddling old wounds and had been unwilling to accept responsibility. And now, I am new! I'm also more deeply aware of how God is trying to get my attention. This deepening of connectivity feels like uncovering a secret level right now.

So, if you're feeling a pull on your intuition and guidance around this time, I'm praying you have the courage to stand up for your highest self and do the necessary next steps. Like feeling into the situation as if it's a reveal of truth and not an attack. Your sensitivity is so special and it feels like we're being asked to listen...deeply.

  • How has God/Spirit/Source been trying to get your attention? Likely somewhere you've felt stuck or seems slow in coming...What friction are you having trouble truly actualizing?


This brings me to body. Physically you may notice some changes too. There may be more or less eating, shifts in diet, tiredness, varying waves of energy. Even changes in how much water you drink. I mean you can tell when something is happening in your body so again, take some time to notice your shifts when you can and also be kind to yourself. You've been working hard...keep your balance.

What I've noticed is that during shifts like this, into a new season physically or energetically, it's important to be gentle with myself. So I extend my self-reminder to you,

"be kind, my love."

The body is super dense. And though some things may be instantaneous, there are some times when going through the process is apart of our growth. Hence getting headaches when your mind expands. I mean, sometimes my eyes itch when I'm seeing things in a new way.

Many of us connect to physical movement as a way of release and energetic clearing.

My unsolicited recommendation is if you're feeling some strange shifts in your body:

1-Honor what you might need (dietary, physically, etc.) listen on a soul level 2-Add some movement 3-Meditation


Though it comes off as a mental exercise there are physical forms of meditation: dance, yoga, free movement. Get out of your own way via the body. The point is to offer yourself some devoted time and conscious physicality. Even if it's 5 min before you shower while you wait for the water to heat. Getting in touch with and grounding into our physical bodies can help digest energetic shifts, but also helps merge the non-duality of our existence; being human and divine. Physical movement actually gets the energy flowing so you don't feel hyper-fixated or stuck on one thing or the other. It invites this flow-like feeling which on the outside primes us to receive our Guidance and internally allows our bodies to flow, metabolize, and release old energies. A big flex for getting into a receiving state and honoring our temple/sacred space/sanctuary, this mighty place where our God-aspect is housed.

And if all else fails, nap =)

  • What aspect of physicality is the hardest to explore? Why? Are there times when it feels easier? If so, how can you prime yourself for that easy moment or how can you make yourself more available to that easy moment?

OVERALL This feels like a time to be grateful for your journey so far and allowing that gratitude to inspire a sense of trust that your impulses and inspirations are there to guide you toward your dreams. It's a divine validation exercise that comes from within and is just between You, God, your Spirit team. I'd like to encourage you to honor the nudges that come up, and always add a little discernment, but overall fear not the activation of your authentic voice during this time. Continue to allow these nudges to expand you, your awareness, and invite you to dance in radical self-love and appreciation. Bask in the divine inspiration your Spirit has for you.

If any of this makes sense to you, it is no easy feat to honor the waves of all these aspects in a conscious way, while staying afloat vibrationally. So congrats again you're an actual trailblazer and it's an honor to connect with you. This is huge and your example is important.

It's a divine time to be alive!

Amen =)


w/ Love,


I'm thankful for all of you who've read this through and spent this time with me. It's been amazing sharing with you all and I know that we're all going through varying degrees of this so I'm definitely curious how this might resonate with you all. Feel free to share and keep this community growing. So as we level up, I want to open up room here as a safe space to talk about the shifts and changes going on with us as we grow on our journeys.

***This is a monthly blog and will discuss various topics surrounding growth, spirituality, Love and how we're all going through it. Unsolicited tips and advice by me :) Honestly, just a forum with which to engage and dive into the curiosities, while understanding that we're not alone.

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